
Rules for submission


Abstracts of all invited talks, contributed talks and abstracts will be printed in a small booklet that will be distributed to all registered participants (Price included in teh registration). Additional copies of this booklet can be ordered at the price of 30 € by checking the appropriate box in the registration form. The Abstract book will be distributed at the conference desk and will not be mailed before the conference.



Deadline for submission of Abstract is May 1st, 2014

An abstract must be submitted for each type of presentation (free or invited, poster), the maximum length of this abstract is one A4 (European size) page. Abstract should be submitted by e-mail only as attached file addressed to the two local organizer i.e.,

jbalthazart@ulg.ac.be   and charlotte.cornil@ulg.ac.be

Each registered participant is entitled to present only one abstract.

Please indicate in the email accompanying the abstract whether you would like to be considered for a sort contributed oral presentation. (You wil be told in May whether your presentation is selected for oral presentation or must be in poster form.)



We can only handle files saved in Microsoft Word format (Doc, Docx, RTF). We are working on MacIntosh and this media is preferred, but Windows-generated files are also welcome.

         Abstract should be prepared on a maximum of one A4 page with margins of 2.5 cm on the top and the bottom, of 2.5 cm on the left and 2.5 on the right. The characters should be Times New Roman (for those who haven't this font, they are provided for free at the Microsoft site), size 12, spacing 1, fully justified.

         The title of the abstract should be put in capital letters and bold style. Name of the authors (Family name, Abbreviations of First and Middle names) should follow on a separate line (again in bold, but not in capital). Put notes (asterisks, letters or numbers) after the authors' names to distinguish different institutions. On a separate line put the full address of the principal investigator (including the name of the institution, name of the laboratory, street, postal code, city, country, e-mail address), other institutions can be abbreviated. The text of the abstract will follow after extra carriage return (one empty line).

DO NOT use columns or section breaks in your text. Try also to avoid special signs in your text (e.g. greek letters or mathematical symbols), but in case you need to put them, please add a reminder of their presence in the email accompanying the transmission of the file explaining in full words the nature of these special signs. Do not include figures in the abstract

   You can use references in your abstract if you wish but for homogeneity please use the Brain Research rules for presentation (numbers in square brackets in the text). After the text of your abstract you can then list these references by number and arranged in alphabetical order. Please use size 10 and spacing 1 for the reference list.

In order to fit on the one page limit, your abstract, including title, authors names and addresses should not be longer than 3,000-3,200 characters.

If you send an abstract that is longer or not formatted according to these rules you will be requested to change it within a few days or it will not be included in the abstract book.


Example of page set-up




Family X.Y.a, Family Z.K.b

a Department One, Laboratory One, University of Town, Old Street, Town, Country. e-mail: family@town.country

b Department Two, University of Town, Town, Country.


Text of the abstract, including references [1] that should be printed in the indicated style [2]. The text should not be longer than one A4 page with appropriate margins, written in Times New Roman 12 (around 3000 characters)


1. Reference one

2. Reference two


© Jacques Balthazart 2013